Grr looks up at Abi and winks.
Abigel: Hiya.
Grr: c'mere Little One, lemme see yer hands fer a sec . . .
Binx mews, "I scare easy too."
Denny nods "Abby"
Grr nods to Binx "see, and ya get NINE lives . . you'll go far"
Abigel hides her hands behind her back.
Grr: aww, c'mon, its fer . . .erm . . science
Grr: and swordplay . . truth be told . . .
Denny yawns "After six thousand years I regret nothing and I fear less"
Lady Omega smiles.. Welcome, Abi...
Abigel inspects Binx for a while. "Hello, kitty. Hiya, YinYang Angel. Hello, Lady Red.” Abigel sniffs and sneezes. "Hiya angel lady in pink."
Grr leans back around to keep talking to Denny "six kay? fucke me gently with a chainsaw, well, see, ya can figure where i come off thinkin ya immortal, right? ya musta read my files by now . . . i'm tha Spring Chicken of tha Institute"
Grr grins "apart from Abby here . . ."
Grr: g'wahn, show me yer hands . ..
Abigel rolls her eyes and shows her palm to Grr briefly.
Denny nods "I wasn't always an angel you know"
Grr: really? huh . .. .
Lady Omega smiles..
Grr rapidly assesses Abby's palm.
Grr: tha other . . . ?
Abigel rolls her eyes, but not seriously "Leave me alone, will ya?"
Lady Omega: I wouldn't hold out much hope for that, Abi..
Lady Omega: He's tenacious. Once a coyote gets his maw on you... that's it.
Denny turns to Omega "I still do not think I rightfully thanked you for saving me from my sorry existance"
Lady Omega smiles.
Lady Omega: Saving you?
Abigel sighs and shows her other hand too.
Grr looks at it and nods.
Denny smirks "If not for you I'd probably still be a fucking Shadow"
Grr: too much right hand, grip lightly with it and stear tha sword, tha power comes from tha left, ya should get callouses on tha left, not tha right . . .it'll come, after tha blisters fade . . .
Abigel: Ooooh, man in black, literally.
MB: Good evening everyone.
Grr: ha
Grr: yup
Grr: anyway, Abi, i got my own reasons fer pesterin ya . . . trust tha honesty of a simple critter there, hey?
Abigel tilts a head, admitting slowly "Yea..."
Denny yawns "Evenin'"
Grr: righto then . . .settled, i'm simple and yer not shakin me yet . . .
Grr: howzit hangin, MB?
MB looks down... How did you know?
Grr taps his muzzle "tha nose knows"
MB: I really should go see a doctor.
MB cracks a smile.
Abigel: Hmmm?
Denny turns to Abby "So, Trouble, you have been staying safe I hope?"
Abigel takes a step back, just in case
Binx searches another pocket for another snack. She licks her paws sucking the taste of string cheese off of each finger.
Grr extends paws and wriggles claws "i got medikin skills . .. i can fix yer plumbin . .. ":"
Abigel smiles to Denny. "Well, I painted Blue Pink, if that’s what you mean"
Denny facepalms "Oh, My, God... are you insane!?"
Abigel grins
MB: Yes, of course you can Grr. Someone tried a similar line on me once, and I really did have to go see a doctor.
Denny smirks "You're gonna get us all killed you know don't you?"
Grr: thats what she means by OUT of trouble . . .i do what i can, mate, but. ,. . hell, i never been much fer words, but it sounded fuckin mental . . .
Grr: but, can ya imagine it? ha
Abigel smiles. "Yeah, I behave"
Grr: behave like WHAT thuogh, is tha question on his lips Abby . . . ha
MB: Nice shirt Grr. It just finally registered.
Denny continues smackig himself in te head "Damn ye child if ya wasn't Larissa's I'd have kicked yer ass long ago"
Abigel grins. "Well, on the Shadow side being the child of Lorne's protects me.
Abigel sticks a tongue out
Abigel: Which is way boring though
Abigel: I dont wanna be protected
Denny rolls his eyes "Why do you think I'd have kicked your ass, Lorne is a moron"
Abigel laughs
Abigel: Anyways, Shadows are chicken
Denny shakes his head "Abby, you and Brit will be the two tha contribute to me becoming bald"
Abigel giggles picturing Denny bald. "Lovely"
Abigel: I want a bike for my next birthday though
Binx's whiskers twitch as she nearly lost a life to a shadow recently. She smiles like the cheshire cat though at the thought of the woman nearly losing her bra when she pulled Binx's tail. A look of pure satisfaction crosses her face...and then...her ears flatten again at what followed.
Denny looks at her with a smile "Yanno, you're a total pain in my ass"
MB: Shadows can be deadly opponents. If you were older, you might not be so glib about them.
Abigel rolls her eyes. "Come on, Blue has a matching whip to her hair"
Abigel: Isn’t that lame?
Denny: I was a Shadow I know their ways
Denny: Blue will tear your heart out without hesitation
Abigel raises an eyebrow. "Well, maybe they are chicken since then. I hope you had some real shadowy about you"
Denny fades back into a dark corner without a word.
MB: Wow, my ears just popped.
Abigel: So, black man... what is your story?
Grr: Abbi, in case ya were wonderin, tha Shadows are how ya say, not so much about tha huggin and kissin and more about tha flayin and discectin. i been in two bloodbaths in that place. so, spare us a thought fer tha memories, i have pulled two of my Kin dead outta that place, shredded, and riddled with holess
Grr stares at the fire for a while
Abigel raises an eyebrow. "Why for?"
MB: Well, it there's a beginning, middle, and end. I haven't figured out which part I'm in yet.
Binx mews, "Because....they do not back down." She shakes her head and thinks that Abby has the survival instincts of a pampered persian housecat.
Abigel laughs "Ahh, kitty wisdom has got a tongue"
MB: After answering the young ones question with a vague answer, MB goes back to listening intently to the other conversation.
Abigel watches MB. "A true Omegan too."
Grr: true? interestin what ya consider true Abi?
Binx flinches and feels her fur hackle a bit. She slowly extends her middle claw and rubs a whisker meaningfully while essentially flipping the little brat off.
Abigel rolls her eyes. "In this cased a lot of speaking and way less telling"
Grr: and yeah, Binx here is right about tha Shadows, once they decise yer prey, or a threat, its like holdin tha blade of a blender . . .not so good fer yer hand, not to big a deal fer tha blender
Abigel sniffs. "I should just blow the place up"
MB: So sayeth Grr's book of wisdom.
Grr: been tried, its a fuckin volcano, Abi, they cope . . .
Grr: ha, ya think i should start writin these down, MB?
Abigel: Ok, then paint all the walls pink, damn it
Abigel frowns, musing. "That should have an effect on them, righto?"
Lady Omega looks up from her laptop.
Lady Omega: Don't you dare.
Abigel grins, enjoying the picture in her mind
Abigel: Why?
Grr: Abi, tha last time someone suggested paintin tha pit, they tortured them fer days,
Abigel: Well, I dont suggest it then, I just do it
MB: I was just thinking... one thing that would probably really drive them crazy...
Abigel: I aint no chicken
Abigel looks at MB
Binx nods silently lost in thought as she thinks . o O (Yep...a spoiled pink persian pampered housecat.) She can almost envision Abby in a jeweled collar hissing at the world from her loft on Fifth Ave. She gives her paw a light lick thinking of the foundling center.
Abigel: Yes?
MB: just have a whole group of people just move in - take up residence in their lair.
Grr: tore off wings and digits, broke every bone in thir limbs and damaged their brain so bad it took weeks fer them to remember who they fuckin were
Grr: and THEN they had ta start healin tha damage done to their spirit
Abigel: I sat on the throne, that was fun
MB's eyes glint thinking his preposterous thought.
Abigel: Well, they took my Nareth, what WORSE they can fucking do, Grr?
Grr: you really want tsa know?
Grr: DO YOU?
Grr fur rises
Abigel watches Grr quietly "yes"
Binx shakes her head, "Didn't you just say that you are protected there? If so, you can horf a hairball on their throne." She rolls her eyes, "Cross the wrong one, and you are dead, little girl. Not a shadow....just...the wrong one."
Grr starts breathing faster
Grr: well, see, this is what could happen
Grr: they could give ya her back
Abigel blinks
Abigel: What do you mean, big guy?
Grr: one chunk at a time, one fettid remnant at a time, make ya hold them, make ya cradle them, make ya love tha pieces
Abigel: You are sick
Grr: they can take tha memories of her ya have and bend them twist them till shes nothin mor ethan tha nightmare ya never be free of
MB: You've been reading the wrong books Grr. Maybe it's time for some of the lighter stuff.
Grr: they can do both, then make ya fuckin eat what left, so you KNOW what they did, and you become them, they can do that Abbi, and they would do it and fuck eachother over yer broken body and make ya beg fer death
Abigel stands, looking at Grr.
Binx mutters, "Ever cross me, and I'll carve my name in your belly so they know who shut her up." With a sassy flick of her tail, she stands and says, "I should leave...thanks for the hospitality......i want to keep the evening pleasant...always." Looking back at Abby and then to Grr, she says, "Brat is not a disability...but could be a life threatening condition...not from me, of course....especially if you are caring for her...but....its a wonder she has lived this long." To Abby, she mutters, "A pink persian in a window seat on fifth avenue."
Grr: this aint fiction, MB
Grr: this is what i've seen
Grr: this is what i've fuckin DONE
Grr: you check my service records, they're in tha files
Abigel: Kitty wisdom stralls the streets, all beware
Grr: and ya know what. it was just a JOB ta me
Grr: tha Shadows, they LIVE fer that
Abigel: They dont see me as a threat Grr.
Grr: THATS what they are. so when Denny, who ALSO fuckin KNOWS, casue HE used ta be one, warns ya, ya LISTEN, yeah?
Binx shrugs as she heads for the door. Hearing the girl's words, she turns and swipes hard at Abby. Claws extended. If she had wanted, she would have struck her face. Holding the claw at her skin, she murrs, "Shut the fuck up before you get hurt."
Grr: not a threat?
MB: I don't suggest that it's fiction, just a bit on the extreme side if you're on an education roll.
Abigel pokes a tongue out
Grr: did Blue see it as a threat? does she see what ya did and wonder what ELSE ya could do?
Grr: do ya think they might wonder if ya might blow up their fuckin House?
Binx swipes again lightening fast and slices Abby's tongue. It is hard enough it will likely need stitches...and Binx smiles at the thought of a wad of gauze in the girl's mouth.
Grr jumps up and tackles Binx
Grr: not in this house, Kit, not my Family
Abigel hisses and holds her bleeding mouth.
Abigel: Fuck
Binx rolls across the floor turning and jumping to her feet. She stands and turns to Grr. With a nod, she says, "Then the little persian needs to learn what she says and to whom she says it too. She runs her mouth off on me again, I do live in the streets." Turning to Abby, she points a claw and says, "Your face is there ONLY because I didn't want to scar you up. Learn some respect.....or it will be beaten into you. Brat."
Grr pins Binx and walks her to the door
Grr: out
Binx frowns yanking away and says, "I'm leaving.
Abigel holds her mouth, and watches the blood on her hand, slowly smiling. "Awight"
Binx picks up her book and walks out.
Grr whispers harshly to Binx
Binx says to Grr, "I don't care who she is. She doesn't taunt the world without chances....and you know it, Grr. If she doesn't learn to curb her mouth....you are gonna be burying your cub there."
Grr: "she may be a fuckin brat, and a cow, and a death-bringer, but she's OUR brat, cow and death-bringer, and WE do our disciplinin, ya were a guest here, remember it and behave like it
Abigel winces, but stands, still bleeding. She is trying to comment, but it hurts.
Binx loses a lot of respect for him and says, "Then...I won't be back. If a guest is treated like this." With a flick of her tail, she walks out.
Grr: so be it, but you do it, i see reason to, and you'll find tha result in fiar measure
Abigel tilts a head watching them, and produces a silk handcerchief she holds. She spits some blood into the fire and wipes her mouth.
Grr hands Abby medical gauze
MB: Well now. Wasn't all that lovely. My heart feels a little warmer.
Grr: get that in there
Grr sighs
Abigel sniffs but pushes Grr's offer away, mumbling something like "I dont fucking need that" but it goes though rather like "Mmffffnnn"
Abigel makes a face and runs upstairs to the lab, spitting blood into a sink and washing her mouth, spitting more blood
Grr shoves it in her hand "use it or i will, i seen Feline wounds lead ta gangreen, ya have ta let it knit good they have allergins"
MB stands
Abigel curses terribly, but it is all a muffled noise only filtering through blood and water and moans
MB: Interesting. If you'll excuse me, I need to go check on something across town.
Grr: sure, MB . . .woulda been nice ta see ya, but .. . . things . . .
Lady Omega looks up..
Lady Omega: GrrBrool.. make sure the brat's wounds are attended to. Whether she likes it or not.
MB: Grr, there are always things, and if it's not one thing it's another.
Grr: on my way
Drak Jefferson says nothings
Lady Omega: And then, if you please, remind her how she is to treat our guests.
Abigel spits blood into the sink continuously and curses when she can
Grr: right
Drak Jefferson remains silent
Grr: you, gimmee yer face
Abigel growls at Grr, stepping back
Abigel spits again into the sink
Drak Jefferson walks back into the stacks silently
Grr: oh, growl all ya like, i can just knock ya out and do it to yer unconcious body
Grr: but i'd rather have yer cooperation, its YER body, after all
Abigel blinks a tear out and pokes her bleeding tongue out
Grr: right, now, good pose, hold that . . .
Abigel rolls her eyes, trying to restrain trembling
Grr rummages behind him in his pack for his MedKit
Grr: now . . you
Grr: hold still and listen to tha words that fuckin come out of my mouth
Abigel wipes her tears and sniffs.
Grr: do i have yer attention in this fuckin matter?
Abigel nods and swallows some more blood. She of course makes a face, still.
Grr grips your head tightly in one very strong, clawed paw, and as equally gently, dabs at the wound with a cooling gel.
Lady Omega looks up.
Marvin Hellman: allo
Lady Omega: Well, hello there, my brassy friend.
Abigel sniffs, but tries to stay motionless.
Grr: now, Binx there seems ta have taken some slight offense at yer tude.
Abigel winces and presses her eyes shut
Grr: and ya know, its wearin thin fer some of tha other populace too
Abigel clenches her fists and stays, trembling slightly. "Mfff"
Grr: hold still!
Grr puts the cooling gel away
Grr: the problem aint yer self, its yer way
Grr: yer angry
Grr: anger is good
Grr: yer wild, wildness if tha preservation of tha world
Grr: wild anger
Grr: gets you and yer squad killed
Abigel listens to Grrr and trembles
Grr: wild anger gets yer Pack killed
Abigel tries to swallow and her tongue is already the size of a melon
Abigel: Mfffffffffffffmmmmm
Grr: wild anger lets ya wake up and realise YOU fuckin got yer Kin slaughtered
Grr looks close in to your tongue, studying it carefully
Grr: wild anger . . .lets ya wake up screamin night after night because YOU killed yer Family
Grr: because YOU slaughtered children and mothers with child and tha old and tha sick
Abigel Nightfire's tears flow as she is trying to speak and she just shakes her head, kicking the table, all the glassware ringing in disdain
Lady Omega purses her lips, listening to GrrBrool
Grr: wild anger leads ya ta say thing, ta do things, that you dont see tha results of till yer friends and Family pay tha price
Abigel nods and sniffs, looking at grr slowly, ovber the pain the idea that he is not exactly describing her situation getting to her and she looks at him with wide eyes
Grr: do ya understand me?
Abigel slowly nods
Grr reaches into his pack again and pulls out a bottle of dark brown liquid
Abigel watches the bottle not overly enthusiastic about its content
Grr: Binx gave ya a warnin, a silly cat warnin, she scratched yer tongue, ooh ahhh, it fuckin hurts, ya gonna be in pain fer a while
Abigel makes a face and her clenched fist ends in her other palm with a slam
Grr: poke out yer tongue
Abigel rolls her eyes and pokes out a swollen tongue
Metin Irata: edersin
Grr: yer not gonna like this . . .but its good fer ya
Grr: like tha lesson of tha scratch
Grr: Binx was our guest, ya know,
Abigel rolls her eyes again
Grr: she was freely invited ta be there, ya saw how she and Joah were,
Abigel raises an eyebrow
Abigel: Goah?
Grr: yeah, Joah
Grr: they are friends . . .
Abigel shakes her head and rolls her eyes
Grr: and now, cause of what happened . . .i threw her out
Grr: cause we dont hold with folks cuttin on ours in our own house
Abigel looks down at that and sniffs.
Grr: now, hold tight fer a sec, this is gonna fuckin burn
Grr dabs the brown liquid over the wound, even through the local the Betadine burns as it does its work
Abigel hisses and grabs Grrs arm, just to hold onto something
Grr: thats it,
Grr: this will heal
Grr: just a random cat scratch
Grr: a moments wild anger, see?
Grr: no real intent ta harm fast reflex
Grr: *past
Grr: awright, ya can put yer tonge back in yer head
Abigel retracts her tongue and shivers at the taste of brown stuff, restraining to spit it all out. "MMMmmmffmmmfffffuck'
Grr: our reputation is what we got here, Little One
Grr: we AINT a fightin force
Grr: we AINT feared because we torture folks and rape their minds out
Grr: we AINT respected fer tha danger we represent ta lives and holdings
Grr: we're respected cause we keep our heads when we have horrors thrown in our muzzles
Grr: do yta grasp that, Abigale?
Grr: we ARE tha horrors
Grr: and yet, we live
Grr: we go on
Abigel breathes through her nose and watches Grr "Aw bee vespected?"
Grr: we learn
Grr: yeah, we are. and ya know how i know that?
Abigel shakes her head
Grr: becasue when all else fails
Grr: when
Grr: when they cant smash, burn, chop or otherwise kill somethin
Grr: they come askin our help
Grr: all of thwem
Grr: they come and the ASK
Abigel tilts a head
Grr: they ask us Abby, cause we know things, and we keep our heads
Grr: tha Shadows
Abigel tries to swallow and then just grunts. "Mmmmfffffmmm"
Grr: Tha Righteous
Grr: Tha Kay Aye
Grr: even tha fuckin Pack
Grr: they come to us fer answers cause they KNOW thats whst we are
Grr: what they DONT know, they suspect
Grr: they fear
Grr: and fer what they dont know, they respect us, so, yes they respect us
Grr: that and i'm fuckin awesome, didn;t ya know?
Abigel giggles.
Grr: right
Grr: so
Grr: manners . . .
Grr: ya KNOW what fuckin manners are, right?
Abigel watches Grrr and shrugs.
Abigel acts as if raising a skirt and pretends to be a princess, walking around on tiptoes
Abigel makes a face
Grr: do i need ta show ya Mrs Beeton's guide fer young ladies?
Abigel raises an eyebrow
Abigel: Mwsss Beetown?
Grr: or do ya think just tha Army Regualtions fer Proper Conduct would do?
Abigel smiles.
Grr: ha, c'mon
Grr: i'll show ya
Abigel nods and scratches her head
Grr bows his head to Omega
Abigel winces every now and then but the pain slowly retreats
Grr: ettiquette, ettiquete . . .ah, here it bloody is
Grr pulls a 4 inch wide dusty tome entitled "Mrs. Beetons Book of Hosehold Management"
Abigel peeks up at Grr from sideways
Grr: ya can read THAT . . or . . . .
Abigel: Ow?
Grr reaches over and finds a magazine thick book
Abigel shakes her head at the sight of the thickness of the Beeton book, hopelessly
Grr: or . .. Royal Australian Army Personell Coder of Conduct vol 3.4 "Personal Conduct for Enlisted Soldiers"
Abigel looks at the thinner one curiously
Grr: this
Abigel: Waws tha?
Grr: thats tha one i learnt from
Abigel nods
Grr: most of tha rules are "do this or get yer head kicked" and "dont do that or we beat ya with bars of soap in socks"
Grr: easy lessons fer not shootin yer mouth off
Abigel lauhgs, as far as swollens toungue allows
Grr: try that one on fer size
Grr: one thing, Abi. i was zoo-born. i never grew up in Fleshie culture like a lot of these other buggers, i didnt even grow up in tha Wild, where ya have a big Family ta teach ya
Grr: i had THIS
Grr: and tha Army
Abigel looks up at Grrr. I was raised in a Carnivale. We had some animals too
Grr: in cages, yeah?
Grr: well, i learnt ta see tha world through cages like that
Abigel pokes out her tongue which regained its old size and seems less hurt. "Yeah"
Abigel sniffs. "Nareth told me the Carnivale world was a cage too"
Grr: Nareht was right
Grr: Shes Tha Huntress
Abigel looks up. "The Huntress?"
Grr nods
Grr: c'mon, lets sit
Abigel sniffs and takes the pamphlet of army manners from him
Lady Omega looks up..
Lady Omega: How is the patient?
Grr: whole and growin
Lady Omega: You are not a child, are you, Abi?
Grr gives a fast and subtle salute and sits
Abigel: Mope
Lady Omega: Then stop acting like one.
Lady Omega: You will apologize to Binx next time you see her.
Abigel: Meee?
Abigel rolls her eyes. "She ripped off my tongue, lady, I didnt raise a hand even, to her"
Lady Omega: You insulted her.
Abigel: She was being all wise on me
Lady Omega: And she gave you one little scratch. She could have cut your throat.
Abigel rolls her eyes
Grr: i think ya'll find Feline pride will ask that, but that she'll be just as sorry as well, fer harm done, more than needed
Grr: and then i'd have had ta kill her
Abigel sighs "All right, I will apologise"
Lady Omega nods...
Abigel shakes her head. "Just a scratch anyways"
Grr: and then i'd have ta explane ta Lari how i let it happen, and why i hadn't taught ya better
Lady Omega: She uses this place as a refuge too...
Abigel: Binx?
Lady Omega: Yes. Her and her ..friend, they live on the streets.
Lady Omega: They were starved enough to attack the diner the other day.
Grr: and how would i tell . . . . . . Nareth . . . .Ab, how wold i tell tha Huntress i failed to protect her Ward?
Lady Omega: Faced down a shotgun for a plate of pancakes. That is hunger.
Lady Omega flinches just a little at the sound of Nareth's name
Abigel scrathces her head. "Well, I think she could learn some manners too, anyways." she takes Grr's pamhlet "I will read this through, just because you asked"
Grr: i'm sorry, Omega, but she has ta know whats at stake
Lady Omega nods...
Grr: ya do that, Abi, and yer welcome ta pass it ta Binx too
Abigel leaves without saying goodbye or thanks
1 comment:
really nice scene.
and the brat is played great :D Grr should be a teacher of sorts in rl btw (if he isn't already)
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